We (Molly and Jonathan) have documented our travels, adventures, and love by ripping off a pose made sort-of internet famous by a married pair of professional photographers (Kendrick Brinson and David Walter Banks). They have used the hashtag #brinsonbanksing to accompany photos of this pose. These are a few highlights of the places we have journeyed in our relationship.

Moab, UT
Indian Peaks Wilderness, CO
Teton Range, WY
Rocky Mountain National Park, CO
Red Rocks Ampitheater, CO
Jonathan had just qualified for the Boston Marathon
Boulder, CO
Boulder, CO
Our first home together
Independence Pass, CO

Sawatch Range, CO

Mauna Kea, HI

Gray's Peak, CO

Colorado Trail Southern Terminus

Shelburne Farms, VT

a snow cave!

San Francisco, CA
Molly completed her first 50-mile race

Burlington, VT

New Orleans, LA

Burlington, VT
atop a frozen Lake Champlain with Molly’s family dog, Basti